by Nick
When I first met Follow the Leader’s director Jonathan at Pennsylvania Boys State six years ago, I enjoyed being the guy (if only a 16-year-old guy at that) behind the camera – not in front of it. In fact, I … Continue reading
Through the Political Looking Glass with Hot Saasby Don Saas
PART 3 of 3: SEE IT IF YOU DARE — THIS FILM COULD IMPROVE OUR COUNTRY Continued from PART 2 and before that PART 1. If I were a high school Civics or Government teacher (or a college Political Science … Continue reading
Through the Political Looking Glass with Hot Saasby Don Saas
PART 2 of 3: CATHARSIS AND REVELATIONS (Continued from PART 1) Perhaps because I’ve personally known Nick over the years and my ultimate life path of being involved with a wide variety of organizations only to see a lot of … Continue reading
Through the Political Looking Glass with Hot Saasby Don Saas
PART 1 of 3: YEARS OF CHANGE ONE NEVER SEES Several years ago, at the same time director Jonathan Goodman Levitt’s real-life political coming-of-age documentary Follow the Leader begins, I was in a similar place as the film’s young subjects. … Continue reading

by D.J.
A couple of years ago, I traveled to New York City to pay a visit to Hillary, the woman who is now my wife. I thought that it would be neat to meet up with Jonathan, especially since we had … Continue reading